Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Zara Kids
I have this sweater that I just love that I bought about 10 years ago in Las Vegas. It's from Zara. Thanks to a convo with my Aunt from SoCal, I learned that Zara has a kids line. Not only are the clothes awesome (H&M awesome), they are modestly priced (not necessarily cheap). Very, very excited about this.

Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
SLAC~If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
We went to see If You Give A Mouse A Cookie today at the Salt Lake Acting Company. It was awesome. If you want to introduce your children to theatre early, this is the place. We had three children, 3 and under, with us and it held their attention. We had season tickets to a children's theatre a couple times when I was a kid. I still remember seeing The Secret Garden and The Snow Queen, great memories

Thursday, December 16, 2010
No Accounting For Tastes
I inadvertently chose 2 books by the same author (Aileen Fisher) on our last visit to the Library. I know I post A LOT of children's books on here, but these may just be my all time favorites, seriously. I had to find them used to get my own copy, they're out of print.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The New Way Things Work
Another one my brother had when we were kids. This would be the perfect gift for anyone. Except those who already own it, of course.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cardboard Safari
Saturday, October 16, 2010
La Di Dolls
Maybe it's nostalgia, but I love these things. Just had to toss mine. Found it in the bottom of the toy chest ruined from the flood. So not looking forward to unpacking.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Headbands for the Cure
My brother's girlfriend was sporting one of these, so I asked her where she got it and then ordered my own.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I haven't abandoned you. It's not that I'm too busy. I have just lost my inspiration. I will get it back, hopefully sooner, rather than later.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Matilda Jane Trunk Show
Wishing I had a girl or two right about now. My cousin is having a trunk show for Matilda Jane over the next couple days. Click here for more info.

Friday, August 20, 2010
School House Electric
I saw some icredible pendant lights in a children's boutique in Bel Air, MD. I asked where they got them. School House El
ectric, affordable too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Halloween Costume Ideas
Do you know what you/your kids are being for Halloween? I've always known what I was going to be no later than January 1. That is, until I had kids. It seems they have their own opinions, who knew? I've always made our Halloween costumes. That is, until I just might be finally convinced that it's cheaper to buy one than make one. I'll get back to you on that. I found the most awesome website for home-made costume ideas. This is the first year I've been impressed with the commercial selection of costumes. I REALLY want to be a family of Garden Gnomes, but "W" has other very specific ideas...for everyone! Someone please steal that idea from me. I also LOVE this dutch girl costume and the smurfs, of course.


Monday, August 16, 2010
Jarritos Pineapple
Do you ever order Jarrritos Sodas at mexican restaurants? "W" likes the pineapple kind. I found them for 63 cents a piece @ Winco. I bought a whole case for his birthday party.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
United Colors of Benetton Toddler
Really wishin' Benetton Toddler collection had a website store. Instead, I'll just add it to my "must see" list for Cali.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Andy Quaglino
I bought these for the boys' bedroom. (prints, of course, on stretch canvas) "W" cannot wait to get them on the wall. I found them at the Tooele Arts Festival, of all places. I'm so excited about this artist. It was like he read my mind about what I was thinking for their room. Too bad I couldn't afford an original, 30"x40", amazing.

Monday, July 26, 2010
These things are awesome. "W" went in one in the mall today. He had so much fun and wanted to go again. I think I was near hyperventilating just watching him.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Vintage Affair
I bought this book today at B&N. No recommendation or anything. But it must have been destiny, the main character's name is Phoebe and she loves vintage apparel. I kinda want to get a Nook or a Kindle...anybody else have one? Do you like it?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Animals Are Beautiful People
We stumbled upon this movie at a kids' consignment store today. It's from the maker of The Gods Must Be Crazy. "W" could not get enough of it (right up his alley)...he cried when we had to turn it off to go to bed. Not only that, it was very educational.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
These are the most incredible museums/institutions I've ever been to and I believe they are all free. You could easily spend multiple days in each of them. I only made it to the Zoo, Air & Space, and Natural History, just wish we'd had more time to visit them all.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm
Something like this would be perfect in Utah. We would be there every weekend. I get tired of seeing the same old, same old at theme parks. This place was anything but ordinary, just wished it hadn't rained the first half of our visit. (They change the pattern of the corn maze every year, this is a picture of last year's)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Blue Gingham @ Target
This is what my boys wore on the 4th this year. They looked so cute! :-P to anyone who thinks I'm lame for dressing them alike.

Friday, July 2, 2010
Priceline Name Your Own Price
I admit, I've always been a little nervous to use the Name Your Own Price feauture on Priceline, no matter how many people told me how great it was. Maybe I was just scared of the commitment. But, I used it for the first time last night and I'm hooked. I got a 3 star hotel in Jersey City listed at $149 a night for $115. Can't wait to try it again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Swim Ways Power Swimr
After buying numerous flotation devices, it's confirmed that this is the only way to go. They hold your kids up, but don't restrict movement like arm floats. I've been using them for both my kids (15 months and almost 3), different sizes, of course. It appears that my almost 3 year old will be able to swim without a floater by the end of the summer.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Neutrogena Wave
This is a challenge. If you're anything like me, the minute you became a mother, you stopped taking as good of care of yourself. I stopped wearing my retainers (now my teeth aren't as straight), I stopped cleaning my face as often (because I rarely put on make-up), I used to do sit-ups and push-ups nightly (now....ya, right!), I stopped getting regular pedis (this is a necessity in life isn't it?), I don't floss nearly as often as I should. It's deeply affected my morning and nightly routine. The other night at GNO, someone mentioned that the reason men's faces stay looking younger is because they shave and it exfoliates their skin. That's all it took for me. I was going to start exfoliating every night (I know I'm a freak...ONE COMMENT!) Which led me to this. I love this little thing. I even bought nail polish and painted my toes a bright sunshiney yellow. So, I challenge you mothers, committ to giving yourself 10-15 minutes a day for a pedi, for a facial, something spiritual, whatever it takes to make you feel beautiful. DO IT!

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